Employee Wellness Screening - Hayday

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Customize Your Hayday Experience

When it comes to your business and your employee’s health, a one-size-fits-all system just isn’t going to work. The employee health screening requirements and language for a buttoned-up law firm is going to be very different from those at a hipster dive bar. Even within the same industry, no two businesses are the same, which is what makes yours stand out from your competitors. So why should something as important as a health screening for work system—that ensures safety and helps with company culture—be left to a pre-packaged app? 

Hayday was built with advanced configuration options, allowing decision-makers to choose required fields, dismiss irrelevant considerations, and write their own appropriate language throughout the work health assessment. Here are some of the ways that you can make Hayday’s health screening for work application work for you:

Your Language

When setting up their Hayday health screening at work software, each business has the ability to implement their own questions and use language specific to not only their industry and business but also their company culture and environment. For instance: is your business casual and relaxed? Are Slack channels and internal emails regularly filled with gifs from The Office or Caddyshack? Then go ahead and quote Michael Scott in your health screening at work questions! The reverse also holds true; if your business is highly professional and serious, the Check In language should reflect that. Different teams can also receive different messages—there’s no need for the accounting department to receive the same notifications as the design team if their work conditions are different. Finally, language choices for visitors who are asked to complete health screenings—be they clients, vendors, service providers or anyone else—can similarly be customized. 

Your Communication Methods

Whether you have employees complete their health screening at work or remotely is up to you. Check Ins can be done via personal devices including phone, tablet or computer, or at an on-site staffed checkpoint—or can be offered at a combination of both.

Your Look and Feel

Familiar visuals create an element of comfort in such an anxiety-filled time and make employees feel like they are participating in a system that is there to protect them, rather than just minimize the company’s liability. In order to sync with your brand, it is important for the Hayday interface to feel like it is an organic part of company communications. The set-up process for Hayday’s health screening for work application allows employers to upload their company logo and a background image specific to the company, and even choose the brand’s colors to act as a background. 

Your Timing

Managers can schedule employees’ health screening for work for specific days and times dependent upon different teams’ shifts and workdays. They can also set the notification time specifically for visitors’ appointments or meetings, for instance for patients visiting a doctor’s office. And what happens if an employee is exposed to or even diagnosed with COVID-19? Your company can determine the appropriate “cool down” or recovery periods required, and communicate them accordingly. Once that time has lapsed and the risk of contagion is lowered, your team will be able to dictate the welcoming back process.

Your Flexibility

As there seem to be daily developments with regards to this pandemic, it is important for all of us to remain flexible. This goes for a company’s health screening at work system as much as any other internal communications and decisions. That is why Hayday is built in a way that makes making changes a snap—for survey questions, requirements, and functionalities. 

Your Management

Through Hayday, HR and other designated managers and administrators have access to a customized dashboard to view every employee’s work health assessment across specific or all team levels and facilities. If an employee has not completed their health screening for work by a certain time, their manager can choose to reach out individually, or have the Hayday app remind them. The Hayday dashboards are customizable to allow appropriate access privileges across management and can be adjusted or revoked at any time, as necessary.

Your Determined Risk Levels

The health screening for work setup process involves placing certain weights on individual questions based on your company's risk threshold. In other words, your business can decide how strict or relaxed they would like to be with regards to whether they are allowed to come to work if they have certain symptoms, or have had certain exposure, and how and when they may return to work after recovering from COVID-19 themselves.

Your Culture

In addition to keeping your employees, visitors and their families physically safe, it’s also important to check in on your employees’ mental wellbeing in this strange and scary time. The very fact that your business has implemented a health screening at work tool like Hayday is a sign of its commitment to creating and maintaining a safe and thoughtful workplace. Any opportunities to present the company culture, be it in language, branding, reminders and options, adds to the overall feeling of goodwill. And particularly for businesses with some or all employees working remotely, communication of company culture is key to maintaining loyalty and morale. Through Hayday, managers have the option of adding survey questions, reminders, and any other notes to the notifications and Check Ins.

The configuration options are clearly endless for Hayday’s health screenings, and while we encourage you to consider making the wellness Check Ins your own, keeping the default language is also always an option. We might be a bit biased—we wrote it after all—but we think it’s not half bad! 

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